Medical and Nursing Support
Diabetes control
We help educate patients to manage their glycaemic index levels by charting out specific programmes for individuals based on their needs. Our physical therapists help the patient form a healthy exercise routine and supervise them until they are able to manage on their own.
Infection control
Patients with serious illnesses are often prone to nosocomial infection and are usually highly vulnerable. Hence we have strict sanitization and disinfection protocols in place. Wearing gloves, controlling of visitors etc. are implemented so as to keep the premises clean and infection-free.
Pain control
We treat and guide patients with any chronic pain back to an active, healthy lifestyle. Our team of professionals use rehabilitation techniques involving various therapies to restore physical and mental wellness resulting in improved quality of life.
DVT care and Thromboprophylaxis
We have trained physicians that prevent and treat Thrombosis and assess bleeding risk among patients. Specific assessment for contraindications for Thromboprophylaxis is provided here. Our highly skilled physicians select a method of prophylaxis based on the risk pertaining to the specific patient.
Bedsores prevention
Our team of experienced doctors and nursing staff are adept at assessing the clinical condition of such wounds with utmost precision. The area of damage is identified along with the presence of necrotic tissues, sinus tracts and healing with granulation is then administered.
Tracheostomy care
Encompass health offers both operative and percutaneous tracheostomy to patients as per their specific need. Our expertise allows us to give attention to every minute detail for patients that need long term airway support through tracheostomy tube.
Bowel care
Proper bowel functioning is a very important factor not just in advanced disease and palliative care but also in regular patients. Constipation and diarrhoea are common occurrences in treatments involving laxatives due to opioids and as adverse effects of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.
Bladder care
We exhibit a comprehensive understanding of the appropriate choice of equipment associated to urinary catheter basing on the knowledge gained after thorough assessment and education of the particular individual need